Contact Us
To book your appointment and discuss your condition please get in touch with us.
Contact Details
Tel: 07850881937
Clinic Address
Harrogate Physiotherapy PracticeHarrogate Business Centre
Hookstone Avenue
By contacting us prior to your session with us, you agree to our Privacy Policy.
How to find us:
We are located in the Harrogate Business Centre situated behind the Leeds Road M&S. You can park on the Business Centre premises or on the side roads as indicated on the PDF map. Alternatively, you could park at M&S (2 hours free parking) and walk down Beech Avenue to the Harrogate Business Centre.
Please look at the maps for directions:

What to know about your Appointment
- The Initial assessment includes a full assessment of your problem by taking a comprehensive history followed by an assessment of your biomechanics, posture, joints and soft. You will receive treatment on your first visit. Please allow an hour for your first visit to the Harrogate Physiotherapy Practice. Please fill in all paperwork sent to you by e-mail once you have been booked for your appointment.
- The Follow-up appointments can last up to 45min to 60mins. Your condition/injury and overall progress are constantly re-assessed on each subsequent session.

What to bring to your appointment:
- Any consultant or GP letters pertaining to your condition or injury
- PLEASE BRING SHORTS (not leggings) and a T-Shirt to your session and bring your regular running shoes.
- Please wear appropriate clothes; occasionally it may be necessary for the physiotherapist to have direct access to the joint or muscle especially around the hip and pelvis.