Physiotherapy Services we Provide
We offer a wide variety of services to help you recover from muscular, soft tissue and joint pain and discomfort. All our treatment plans are based on your unique presentation, your goals and ability. Following a thorough initial assessment of your issue, treatment will consist of a combination of the following treatment options:
Manual Therapy
Our physiotherapy sessions have strong emphasis on hands-on treatment, and it is delivered to an advanced level. We are considerate to the specific healing phase you are in, we respect personal pain tolerance levels and are aware of other systemic issues that might play a role in how we perform hands-on therapy.
- Joint and spinal Mobilisation - Techniques to improve the range of movement of specific joints and tissues. Techniques are graded to your specific tolerance levels and what phase of healing you are in
- Muscle energy techniques - A technique that uses light resistance to activate the body's reflexes to restore tissue tension and range of movement in the muscle and joint.
- Soft tissue techniques - Massage, sports massage, trigger point release therapy
- Myofascial Release - Specific soft tissue technique to improve movement, posture, and function. Please note we blend Myofascial Release with other soft tissue techniques as part of our treatments. It is not a standalone treatment.
- Diaphragmatic release work - Gentle techniques that releases the diaphragm to improve breathing. Specifically helpful in conditions such headaches, shoulder pain and neck pain
- Taping techniques - Using various types of tape to improve better movement, stability or less pain.
- Acupuncture - Inserting fine needles into specific points to reduce pain.
- Neuro-muscular facilitation - Careful hand placements over a joint or muscle to help with better movement or muscular contraction.
- Somatic Energy Medicine - Light touch with visualisation to regulate the nervous system. Nervous system regulation is key for reducing pain, and it creates a more optimised environment for the body to start recovering.
- Electrotherapeutic modalities- - Ultrasound, TENS and Electro- Muscular Stimulation (EMS) which supports the healing process.
"She identified the bad habits that had led to the injury, started me on a regimen of exercises to retrain my musculature, manual therapy to improve my tissue function, and gave me my first taste of her energetic, motivational style of coaching"
Individualised Exercise Prescription
Exercises are specific to each client's set of circumstances, and we always consider your function and levels of discomfort. It is important for you to understand why you are performing specific exercises. We take time to get you to practice and feel exactly what you need to do.
- Educating patients on correct exercises to regain strength, stability, and mobility.
- Exercise prescription is based on the latest science and prescribed for the desired muscle/tendon stimulus needed for return to activity whether that is getting out of a chair, playing golf or gardening.
- Individualised handouts and videos prepared by your physiotherapist on the day of your session.
- We ensure you can measure improvement with the exercises we prescribe. We rarely give more than 3-4 specific targeted exercises to our clients.
Functional Rehabilitation
- Retraining co-ordination, timing and muscle balance to perform everyday tasks from walking upstairs to running a marathon.
- Biomechanical gait and running analysis. We do this inside the clinic or outside to allow for real life feedback.
- Pre-habilitation and screening to prevent injuries before they happen
- Core and Pelvic stability training specific to your functional requirements i.e. assessing gluteal activation, deep abdominals, diaphragm, and pelvic floor activation.
- We like to keep our clients moving, exercising, and training as much as we can while recovering from injury or pain. We will work with your specific needs to ensure overall wellbeing while you are recovering.

Running technique analysis
We look at your training programme and we like to take you outside to see how you run in a natural environment. This is normally videoed for analysis.
- Analysing your running/exercise training programme.
- Analysing your running style/technique
- Analysing your specific strength requirements for running
- Offering cues to improve your running efficiency
Pre- and Post operative Rehabilitation
- Maintenance of muscle strength and joint mobility prior to your operation to improve your outcome and prognosis.
- Individualised rehabilitation before and after surgery
- Working with your Consultant and their protocols but always considering your specific needs and pain levels at the time.
Movement Screening:
Movement screening is done throughout the sessions to assess what muscle imbalances or range of movement issues might be contributing to you issues.
- Analysing your movement patterns, muscle strength, joint stability and overall mobility to prevent injury from occurring in your daily life and sport.
- o We offer video feedback so you can see how you move and therefore optimise your body-mind connection going forward.
- Prevention is better than cure!